Never Stop Learning
Here at Aqua Hands, we provide SCUBA diving lessons and more. From Wreck Diving, Deep Diving, Enriched Air Diving, Underwater Navigating, and Night Diving—to CPR and First Aid courses with certified Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) and Divers Alert Network (DAN).
Aqua Hands is unique in that we cater to deaf and hard-of-hearing people and conduct all our SCUBA diving classes and excursions with American Sign Language to ensure accessibility for both hearing and deaf individuals.
Thomas Koch established Aqua Hands a decade ago. He noticed a huge communication gap in diving education and excursions for people who use American Sign Language. Even though most dive trips use gestures and written notes on slates for underwater communications, many deaf and hard of hearing people can be left out by Instructors and divemasters who cannot sign.
That’s why Aqua Hands staff works to make sure that whether the participants are deaf or hearing, they always have full access to both above-water and underwater communications. First and foremost, we want you to enjoy our awe-inspiring SCUBA diving experiences from the Caribbean Sea, to the Gulf of Mexico, to dive destinations around the United States. Along the way, we can lead you to shipwrecks, reefs, and an incredible variety of ocean life to enjoy.
Are you ready to get started? Then get in touch with our team at Aqua Hands to start a Hands-on Aquatic Adventure.